Topic: The step-by-step process for onboarding a virtual assistant to ensure they deliver your projects on time and on the budget.
Standard Operating Procedure: Coming soon.

Katey Shaw is a virtual assistant. She got her legs in the industry when the GFC hit and was wanting something closer to home to look after her daughter who was six at that time.
Before that, she was a legal secretary in a Blue Chip law firm. She has also worked as an insurance claims consultant, telephone travel sales operator and in various marketing, promotions and event admin roles.
As a virtual assistant, she has worked along side James Tuckerman of Anthill Magazine and the Not So Freaky University for the last six years. In this role, she found ways to automate and outsource the work assigned to her. It got to the point, where all she was doing was just project managing.
So, earlier this year she decided to convert her freelance service into a small VA company specialising in gluing digital media to customer service. In laymen terms, making sure facebook funnelled to a website, where the customer would subscribe, buy or enquire and a virtual assistant would call, email and follow up.
Having been both the VA and the entrepreneuer, she gets both the big picture of business and the task details required to get those things done.